Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Never Knew

I never knew I'm such a loner
Its so weird that all of a sudden
When i need shopping partners
Movie partners..
Or just someone to hang out with me..
Theres no others
Just the few of best friends
And coincidentally....all of you aren't free...
Either having exams,working,busy or out of town

I will still go shopping alone last time...
But now...i felt so lonely
Maybe I'm not that independent anymore :(
Its my holiday
Even if i were to plan a trip...
No one will be free to go with me
Sounds pathetic?
But i understand everyone has own task to fulfill and responsibilities to be taken care of

I'm so bored at home
Wish you guys will be free soon
I'm still waiting...

Look what i found

I love my best friends
I always did and i always will^^

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