Sunday, December 5, 2010

Choice of Thoughts

When you're faced with a dilemma/ problem/ question
About life, study, relationships, anything...
Theres always 2 basic choices
To face it, or to avoid it
Different people use different methods or ways to deal with things
Freedom of choice is another thing
But most of the time, we are free to choose any options
There are always a choice even when you say "I have no choice".

Would you be able to let of of the old baggage
Pack a new one
Get on a plane
And leave for a brand new journey?
Theres one tiny thing which motivate you to take the big step
To be brave to take up that choice and turn into action is all you need.
If you're able to let go of the past and just pick up the pieces,
Stand up and walk forward to a new pathway
Congratulations, you've taken a start to move on.

But...Theres always a downside of things
It doesn't mean you're a looser if you weren't able to move on
You just needed more time, support and motivation
Don't sit there mourning over the past
Because no one will be pity for you
You're the one who can truly make the choices
You're the one who can truly pick up the pieces and choose to stand up again
Others could only give you help/ guidance or suggestions
You still have to make your own choice
Its your life
Not theirs
Life is short
Live your life to the fullest
That if one day when you're suppose to turn back n look
You have to be sure that you have lived your life with no regrets

"A simple goal in life is to be happy, maybe its expectation of wanting to be happy keeps us away instead of getting there."

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